Martin Gerlach's Allegorien-Neue Folge
Allegorien-Neue Folge was a serialized folio published in installments between 1895 and 1900. Martin Gerlach, its publisher, was inspired by the rise of modernist design in Vienna and selected those who were demonstrating a command of the style to contribute works to the series and selected the most exciting and innovative artists of the region to contribute works to the series, including Gustav Klimt, Koloman Moser, and Carl Otto Czeschka. Each plate explores a different theme or collection of topics, such as dance, astronomy, electricity, and graphic arts, which brought a new aesthetic of design to the traditional allegory genre.
Carl Otto Czeschka
Vignettes by Carl Otto Czeschka, Plate 114 from Gerlach's Allegorien, 1897
Carl Otto Czeschka
Astronomy by Carl Otto Czeschka, Plate 96 from Gerlach's Allegorien, 1897
Berthold Löffler
Sport and Sciences by Bertold Löffler, Plate 74 from Gerlach's Allegorien, 1897
Heinrich Lefler
Vine, Love, Dance by Heinrich Lefler, Plate 29 from Gerlach's Allegorien, 1897
Rudolf Jettmar
Acoustics/Electricity by Rudolf Jettmar, Plate 100 from Gerlach's Allegorien, 1897
Ignatius Taschner
Electricity by Ignatius Taschner, Plate 95 from Gerlach's Allegorien, 1897